The good habits that accompanied us during the holidays can be a useful measure to maintain well-being for longer and not give in to the melancholy of returning home. Here are the habits and small rituals that have cheered us up during days away from the usual routine and that we can integrate into our daily lives to continue to feel good and, why not, delude ourselves that we are still on holiday for a while.

  1. GET ENOUGH SLEEP – On holiday we slept as much as we could, making up for our tiredness and also indulging in a bit of healthy laziness. Let’s try to do the same, at least for a while longer: sure, every morning the alarm rings relentlessly, but you can go and rest a little earlier in the evening, or allow yourself an additional amount of relaxation at the weekend, at the cost of changing a a bit of planning of things to do. And if we feel tired and conditions allow it, why not experience the benefits of a quarter of an hour’s nap in the afternoon? Experts agree that it is a real cure-all.
  2. EAT HEALTHY – During the holidays we paid more attention to our diet, consuming more fruit and vegetables, or teasing our palate with some local delicacy. If we brought home some products from the place that hosted us during the holidays, it may be a good idea to consume them in cheerful company: memories, in fact, are powerfully linked to flavors and above all to aromas. There is nothing better, to still feel like you’re on holiday, than setting up a dinner with the good things we discovered during the summer.
  3. MOVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE – During the holidays we were in perpetual movement, between the sea, excursions and visits to art sites. Suddenly immobilizing yourself at a table or desk is counterproductive for your health and, above all, for your mood. Even if our work activity is mostly sedentary, we never miss an opportunity to move, stretch our shoulders and arms, take a few steps in the corridor. We also remember that, if we work in front of the computer screen, we must give our eyes a break, dedicating at least fifteen minutes of visual rest every two hours. Let’s take the opportunity to walk back and forth while talking on the phone, and review some useful desk gymnastics exercises. Our back will thank us.
  4. HAVE FUN – Who said we can only have fun on holiday? Of course, when we are free all day we have more opportunities to dedicate ourselves to what we like, but with a little good will and organization we can still save a portion of time every day (or at least on the weekend) to have fun with our hobbies and our passions. We try to remember which activities we gained the greatest satisfaction from during the summer and try to recreate the same situations, as far as possible. If we have rediscovered the pleasure of company while on holiday, let’s not give in to “I never have time” and put a little effort into hanging out with friends we have neglected for a long time.
  5. BEING OUTDOORS – Finding yourself indoors within four walls after having spent a period of life in the open air, between the beach, mountains and nature is tiring and depressing. Even if we no longer have the long holiday afternoons and the beautiful places we frequented away from home, a long walk in the open air at the end of the day or at the weekend, even just in a city park or in the countryside a few kilometers from home, it’s already a good way to continue enjoying a bit of summer. Furthermore, continuing to expose ourselves to the sun’s rays helps us improve our mood, synthesize vitamin D in preparation for winter and make our tan last longer.
  6. CURIOSITY – Recent studies have discovered that curiosity is a useful measure for controlling anxiety. In fact, curiosity, in addition to being a form of interest in what we don’t know, is also a drive to explore to solve the mysteries before us, triggering a positive reaction of the brain towards the unknown. In short, those who face the surrounding reality with a curious attitude are better equipped to react to stress and control the anxiety of daily life.

And what if you really feel sea melancholy? The Hotel Ligure will remain open until October 21st! Call us or write to us even for a short stay over the weekend or during the week.